
Sunday, November 17, 2024 @ 9:00 & 11:30 am

Order of Service. As we move closer to Thanksgiving, we might choose to ponder gratitude. Writer John Bradley, on, offers us the thought that gratitude is a foundation for social justice. Whatever the outcome of the election, our work for social justice as Unitarian Universalists will need to continue. Our values offer us another opportunity to ponder the connections between appreciation and gratitude and our actions. Both small and large amounts of gratitude make a difference in our spiritual lives.
Rev. Elizabeth Harding grew up and was ordained at Second Unitarian Church of Chicago in 2007. She attended Meadville Lombard Theological School and the Crown School of Social Work, Policy and Practice. Elizabeth has served in a variety of ministries, including hospital chaplaincy, hospice chaplaincy, and bereavement care. Elizabeth now serves as a palliative care chaplain at the University of Chicago Hospitals (UI Health) three times a week. She is married to Kevin, and together they have Lucas, 10, and Simon, 5. Elizabeth is a Cubs fan because it’s clear that their theological purpose is to teach us about suffering and hope.