Organization and Governance

2024 Annual Report to the Congregation

DuPage UU Church governs using a model appropriate for our congregation’s size and structure that is flexible and fluid, customizable to our congregation’s established culture and future needs. It is based on the guidance and format described in “Governance and Ministry” by Dan Hotchkiss.

Our Governance model is:

  • A recognized and widely used guideline for mid-size church governance and shared ministry.
  • An understanding that the goal of well-managed governance is to provide an efficient, accountable process behind the ultimate purpose of providing a happy, secure inspirational and spiritual home for members of this beloved community.
  • Clearly defined and documented policy, structure and roles – outlined broadly in the Bylaws approved by the congregation – that help our Minister, Staff, Board, Volunteer lay leaders and Congregation members carry out the work of the church.
  • The elected Board of Trustees acting in a fiduciary capacity to set strategy and provide direction to Committees, the Minister and Staff, and Program Teams as they all work together to carry out annual goals.
  • Assurance that we are on track, through policies that set expectations and accountability for annual planning, goal setting, and discussion, periodic monitoring and evaluation, and transparency in communicating outcomes.

What governing looks like at DuPage UU:

  • The elected Board of Trustees employs congregational conversations and input to set annual goals as well as long-term strategy to provide direction for the Minister, Staff and Volunteer leaders to also set their goals. Ongoing collaborative discussion – shared ministry –  with the Minister and Staff ensures mutual understanding.
  • The settled Minister is Head of Staff, as they work with the Board, Staff, and congregation through established channels of reporting and accountability.
  • The Committee on Shared Ministry and the Governance Advisory Committee help the Board and Minister keep their focus by monitoring annual calendar activities and facilitating  conversations and annual evaluations.
  • While bringing valued expertise of their own, our settled Minister also relies on the assistance, experience, insight and skills of our own elected and volunteer leaders to successfully implement programming that the congregation, Staff and lay leadership desire.
  • The Nominating and Governance Advisory committees are charged with leading a renewed emphasis on leadership development and training for elected and volunteer roles.
  • The Congregation has access to the governance structure of reporting, responsibility and accountability, providing clarity and transparency for all.

Doing the work we love, better!