Sunday Morning Between Services – September 8th
Adult Learning
Community Hour
We are excited to kick off our first Community Hour this Sunday. The following information tables will be featured: Adult Retreat Sign-Up, Chalice Circle Facilitator Sign-Up, Volunteer Opportunities, and UU the Vote. Refreshments will be provided. We look forward to bringing first service and second service attendees together for this special social time between the services every second Sunday of the month.
Youth Religious Education
Classes begin this Sunday at 10:15am!
Pre-School and Kindergarten: Spirit Play
Spirit Play is a Montessori-based program that teaches children about Unitarian Universalist principles, history, and liturgy through storytelling and play.
1st – 3rd grade: Faithful Journeys & Moral Tales
Each week children will go on a Faithful Journey or hear a Moral Tale and once a month they will have a Lego based lesson on the Unitarian Universalist Shared Values.
4th – 6th grade: Toolbox of Faith
What do duct tape, a hardhat, sandpaper, and a magnifying glass have to do with religious education? They are some of the real tools that we will use in the Toolbox of Faith program as symbols of the tools we use to be Unitarian Universalists.
7th & 8th Grade: Neighboring Faiths
Neighboring Faiths introduces youth to the faith traditions and practices of other religious groups in their community.
9th – 12th Grade: High School Youth Group
Youth meet with advisors to participate in a supportive environment in which they can explore their feelings about themselves, their world and their religion.
Nursery Care is available Sunday morning from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for infants through 5 yrs. Visitors are welcome!
Our mission: We gather as an inclusive community to grow in character, mind and spirit and to transform the world toward fairness, love and compassion.
Our vision: Shared Values | Diverse Beliefs | Beloved Community