We are so glad you found us and hope you will visit in-person or online soon! Please fill out our Visitor Form so we may be in touch with you. Explore DuPage UU to learn more about our church. In addition, our Director of Membership & Engagement, Tina Lewis, is available to answer your questions and learn more about what you are looking for in a church community. She may be reached at tlewis@dupageuuchurch.org or 630-505-9418.
Who is welcome?
We are an inclusive community, involving all people without regard to age, race, gender, present or previous marital status, financial resources, religious background, or sexual orientation.
What can you expect on a Sunday?
Our Services
We hold services at 9:00 and 11:30 am during the program year mid-August through the third week in May. Children and adults attend Sunday services together. We sing, share joys and sorrows of our lives, reflect in silence, heed the wisdom of ancient and modern words, listen and respond to thoughts from our minister and others, together. Religious education for children and adults is offered between the services.
Nursery care is available during both services and the education hour. Children of all ages are also welcome in Worship.
During the summer between Memorial Day weekend and mid-August, we hold one service at 10 am followed by social time. A brief activity is planned for children and youth as well.
On the Sundays before and after Christmas and on Labor Day weekend we offer one service at 10 am only.
Wearing name tags helps us build community. We include pronouns on our name tags to help us communicate better with one another. Learn more about pronoun use here.
Additional Sunday Morning Offerings
During the program year (August to May) we offer adult learning opportunities (learn more here) as well as religious education for children and youth (learn more here) from 10:15-11:15 am. Social space and light refreshments are provided in Kreves Hall during this time as well.
Community Hour is an extended social time with refreshments that features information tables about various groups, events, and activities in the church community on the second Sunday of every month during the program year in Kreves Hall. It’s an opportunity for people to connect and learn more about how to get involved.
Accessibility and Inclusion
- A Hearing Loop assistive listening system is available in the sanctuary. If you do not have a device with T-coil capacity, a receiver and earphones are available.
- Auto-generated closed captioning (CC) is available during the livestream and on archived recordings.
- Our building is smoke-free, restroom soaps are scent-free, and odorless candles are used. We encourage our membership to avoid using scented products.
- Restrooms allow for access regardless of gender identity or expression and provide access for those with disabilities.
- Large print hymnals and orders-of-service are available.
- Trained service animals are welcome to all church activities.
- Three van-accessible parking spaces are available as well as five spaces for people with limited mobility.
- All levels and rooms in the building have elevator access except one classroom.
- If your child has special needs contact Steve Cooper, our Director of Religious Education at dre@dupageuuchurch.org.
Note: Additional parking is located across the street in the Edward-Elmhurst Medical Building.
Is this a Christian church?
We are a pluralist liberal religious tradition where multiple theological perspectives are represented. We find wisdom and inspiration from many sources, including the teachings of the world’s great religious traditions. We acknowledge the guidance of the natural and social sciences, and the profound insights of the arts and humanities. Our worship services and religious education offerings include many philosophical and theological positions, from humanism to atheism to feminist spirituality and more. This includes Judeo-Christian teachings, but not exclusively. Our covenant, mission and common values represented in the 7 Principles are the foundation of our Unitarian Universalist denomination and this church community.
How do I become a member?
Click here to learn more about becoming a member.