9:00 am Worship Service – ALL Ages
10:15-11:15 am Education Hour (unless otherwise noted) – ALL Ages
11:30 am Worship Service – ALL Ages
The Worship services will be identical in content and order. The programming between the services will utilize our whole church building. Children and youth religious education classes will meet during this time, making use of all our classrooms. We will have coffee hour in Kreves Hall during the entire RE hour. Adult Learning programs will be offered in the Learning Center and in the sanctuary. The Adult Learning programming will include opportunities to delve more deeply into our themed ministry topics, UU history, UU theology, justice issues, world religions, science, and more.
Click on Adult Programs for upcoming and ongoing offerings that do not occur Sunday mornings.
Upcoming Adult Learning Offerings
May 5, 2024
Science Sunday (Learning Center)
Anyone alive in the eighteenth century would have known that “the longitude problem” was the thorniest scientific dilemma of the day- and had been for centuries. Lacking the ability to measure their longitude, sailors were regularly and literally lost at sea as soon as they lost sight of land. We will discuss the quest for a solution by established scientists and craftsmen; and also some very bizarre attempts to establish location by less than stellar experimenters.
Come hear why longitude was so important, and so difficult to master.
May 19, 2024
Science Sunday (Learning Center)
Science Slam – YOU are one of our special guests for this Science Sunday. Come and tell us about some interesting science you know, have recently discovered or are intrigued by. Choose a topic from science, for example: anthropology, cooking, economics, nutrition, weather or zoology… Or some other. If it has something to do with the way the world works and you’re fascinated by it, come tell the rest of your DUUC friendly science lovers. Put together a 5-10 minute talk, demonstration or PowerPoint to help spread knowledge of the wonders of science.
Budget Review for 2024-25 Church Year (Sanctuary)
facilitated by the Board of Trustees