ADA Accessibility Statement

ADA Compliance

We welcome people of all abilities and strive to eliminate barriers so that everyone can fully participate in all church programs and activities.

Learn more about DuPage UU Church’s credentials as an Accessibility and Inclusion Ministry (AIM) Certified Congregation.


Three van accessible parking spaces are located in our parking lot. An additional five parking places are marked for people with limited mobility (handicap sticker not required).

Mobility Assistance

Our building is accessible for those who use wheelchairs as well as those with limited mobility. The sanctuary elevator is in the main hallway leading to the sanctuary. Another elevator in our foyer/coatroom will take you to our lower level classrooms for children and our upper level Learning Center and Founder’s Room. All of the thresholds throughout the building are level or less than 3/8″.The sanctuary chancel is ramped and has a railing; flexible seating is provided throughout all rooms in the building for those who use wheelchairs or who require flexible seating. A family/gender neutral restroom is located in our Founder’s Room.  All restrooms are wheelchair accessible.

Vision Assistance

Large print hymnals and Orders of Service are always available from stewards at the entrance to the sanctuary before the service on Sunday mornings. If you would like an orientation tour of the church during the week, contact the office to make arrangements at 630 505-9408 x700.

Hearing Assistance

We have a T-coil hearing assist system in the sanctuary. Hearing aids or cochlear devices that have T-coil capability can connect directly to the system. You can obtain a headset from a steward at all services if you don’t have a hearing aid or one with the T-coil capability.

Children with Special Needs

If you would like your child to participate in the religious education program and feel that they may require special accommodation due to learning disabilities or behavioral issues, please contact our Director of Religious Education, Steve Cooper, in advance so the best possible arrangements can be made.

Pastoral Care

We provide pastoral care to all members regardless of ability.

Chemical Sensitivity

We use odorless candles and we encourage our membership to avoid using perfumed products and cologne. All buildings are all smoke-free. Restroom soaps are scent-free.

Service Animals

We welcome service animals throughout the building for all activities.

Additional Information

If you have any questions not answered or concerns not addressed, please contact the AIM team