Flower Celebration

2022-06-05 10:30:00

In-person & Online. Please bring a flower or a few, and take a different flower home. We’ll honor the unique beauty that each person brings as we celebrate the traditional Unitarian flower communion.  A multigenerational service.

ANNUAL MEETING – June 5, 2022 at 11:30 am
Our Annual Meeting will be held June 5, 2022 at 11:30 am, following a slightly abbreviated regular Sunday service. The meeting will follow a multi-platform format: you may join in person in the Sanctuary or online via Zoom.

Find Zoom details here: https://dupageuuchurch.org/governance/2022-annual-meeting/ or in the Order of Service email.

Religious Education:

Today’s service is for all ages. Please click on the Spiritual Growth tab above for more details and how to register.