Online ONLY – Ambiguity carries a challenge: To “disambiguate” or to hold the ambiguity in creative tension.
Virtual Social Time, 11:30-noon by Zoom. Bring your coffee and join us following the service for Social Time hosted by Rev. Connie Grant. You’ll be assigned to an automatically-generated “breakout room” for a half-hour of conversation with a small group of people. A discussion question related to the service will be provided. Look for Zoom details on the Coffee Hour page or in the Order of Service email.
Science Sunday: Noon, on our YouTube channel. The Infinite Speed of Light
What if we lived in a universe where the fastest possible speed that any object or information could travel was the speed equal to that of light? What if, also, one could travel to the furthest reaches of the galaxy, or even to another galaxy, in mere seconds. Not only that, what if you could, without breaking any laws of nature, zip from here to a galaxy 100 million light-years distant in, essentially, no time at all. How can these ideas be reconciled? One way is to recognize that the speed of light is, from a certain practical standpoint, infinite! During this Science Sunday, Scott Thompson will talk about the strange logic that allows the speed of light to be both finite and infinite. He will relate this to the mind-bending discovery by Albert Einstein regarding the way the rules of nature conspire to keep the speed of light, whatever value that may be, special. Thus, this is the first of two lectures about Einstein’s special theory of relativity.
Religious Education: