Our Changing Bodies

2022-11-06 10:30:00

In-person and Online. In the same way we constantly change as people, so do our bodies. Let us honor our evolving bodies and create space for all bodies to feel worth and welcome.


Science Sunday @ Noon. In-person and on our  YouTube channel. Mike Winter will discuss The Evolution of Flight.  Looking at recent discoveries around the world, flight provides a good means to explore and explain evolutionary principles.  Evolutionary explanations for flight resonate scientifically and logically.  Can the creationist explanations hold water?  Why or why not?  We will look at examples of Convergent Evolution and discuss the term.  What are some new thoughts in the evolutionary field and what discoveries back them up?  How well do Darwin’s studies and explanations from nearly 175 years ago hold up after years of new data and exploration?

Religious Education:
Religious Education classes have begun. Please click on the Spiritual Growth tab above for more details and how to register for weekly updates.
The nursery is now open and available for ages 0 – 3yrs.