Flower Celebration

2023-05-21 10:30:00

In June of 1923, worshippers at the Unitarian Church in Prague, in the then-Czechoslovak Republic, were introduced to a new ritual by their minister, Rev. Norbert Čapek. That ritual has endured and is treasured by Unitarian Universalists around the world who are now eager to celebrate its centennial. This is a service for all ages. Please bring a flower per person to share.


Science Sunday at Noon, In-person and via YouTube . Scott Thompson will conclude his topic arc related to consciousness with a discussion of free will. Are you reading this of your own free will? How do you know? Is every choice you’ve ever made a consequence of a tremendously long chain of cause-and-effect events dating back to the Big Bang? Does quantum physics have something to do with free will? During this Science Sunday we will explore how or if quantum mechanics and deterministic physics relate to free will. We’ll also talk about free will from the perspective of philosophy, including such concepts as libertarian free will and compatibilism. Scott will also delve into the relationship between free will, accountability and autonomy. Please join us in person, if you’re able, and of your own free will, for what’s sure to be an engaging topic.