The New Year sits at the end of a season of festivity and the beginning of a season of barrenness. With the turning of the new year, we will consider how we can find joy in both bountiful and bleak moments. Join us in our annual Fire Communion service, where we will let go of that which keeps us from experiencing the fullness and mystery of life, and we will invite inspiration to keep us moving toward the light. You are invited to participate in the Fire Communion service from home; to do so you will need a piece of paper, a pencil, and a candle and a way to light it.
Virtual Social Time, 11:30-noon by Zoom. Bring your coffee and join us following the service for Social Time hosted by Rev. Connie Grant. You’ll be assigned to an automatically-generated “breakout room” for a half-hour of conversation with a small group of people. A discussion question related to the service will be provided. Look for Zoom details in the Order of Service email.
Religious Education:
Religious Education classes are meeting and viewing lessons online only. Please click on the Spiritual Growth tab above for more details and how to register.