Science Sunday at Noon – In-person and Online via YouTube. James Walter has graciously offered to present at our next Science Sunday. Jim is a retired medical researcher from Hines VA Hospital in Chicago & he also had a position at Loyola Medical Center. His talk is based on the writings of Harvard professor Richard Wrangham’s, “The Goodness Paradox: The strange relationship between virtue and violence in human evolution” (2019). This book advances theories developed from some recent findings from research in evolutionary psychology. In particular, a new form of natural selection, Groupishness, has been demonstrated to occur in hunter-gatherer societies living today in isolation. James will discuss what Groupishness is and how it contributed to human evolution. Finally, we will discuss how you might implement groupishness to live a better life.
Religious Education: Religious Education classes have begun. Please click on the Spiritual Growth tab above for more details and how to register for weekly updates. The nursery is now open and available for ages 0 – 3yrs.