In-person & Online. A covenant is an agreement – a sacred promise – to be in relationship. Covenant is the center of our Unitarian Universalist way of faith. As we contemplate the Covenant of Engagement that the DUUC congregation has participated in creating, we’ll explore what covenant means.
At 3:00pm on May 22 on Zoom Only, there will be an opportunity to ask questions of the Transition Team about the Covenant of Engagement. The Covenant of Engagement will be on the agenda for the annual meeting on June 5, for a vote on whether to accept this congregational covenant. The Zoom link is:
Virtual Social Time, 11:30-noon by Zoom. Bring your coffee and join us following the service for Social Time hosted by Rev. Connie Grant. You’ll be assigned to an automatically-generated “breakout room” for a half-hour of conversation with a small group of people. A discussion question related to the service will be provided. Look for Zoom details in the Order of Service email and on the Member Portal page.
Religious Education:
Religious Education classes are meeting multi-platform – in person or via Zoom. Please click on the Spiritual Growth tab above for more details and how to register for weekly updates.