Calling All Holy Troublemakers

September 10, 2023 @ 9:00am & 11:30am

As many of you know, our trans and gender expansive beloveds are under attack and being criminalized in many US states right now. This is so serious that they fit the criteria to be designated as internally displaced people (IDPs) by the United Nations. This isn’t the first time fascism has reared its ugly head, and we at UUs know how to respond. UUSC has been dedicated to aiding people being targeted by fascism since our founding in 1940. Our faith calls us to make holy trouble for the powers that would deny anyone’s full humanity and divinity. Join us, holy troublemakers, now is the time!

10:15 AM Adult Learning Offering:  A workshop led by the Trans Resistance Network in collaboration with the Unitarian Universalist Service Committtee.