Blessing of the Animals

2022-10-02 10:30:00

Let’s bless our animal friends! Join us outdoors with your friendly pets or picture(s) of your pets as we bless these companions. Or bring a picture(s) of an animal that has brought you joy or comfort. Please bring lawn chairs and if you have time, a treat to share during coffee hour afterward! This service will likely not be live-streamed but will be recorded for viewing after.
Note: Please park in the auxiliary parking lot. The handicap and limited mobility parking in our parking lot will be available for those who need it.
(In the event of rain, we will move indoors with only pictures.)

Science Sunday: Noon, in-person and on our YouTube channel.
Scott Thompson will discuss some of his original ideas concerning “toy models.” In physics, a “toy model” is a simplified representation of a complicated system that helps one to think about its key aspects. It also helps one consider what happens when one or more of these aspects change, relative to one another. Over time, Scott has developed several “toy models” that apply not just to physical systems, but to economics, interpersonal relationships, conflict, human sexuality and other issues that can be complicated to think through.
Join us for Science Sunday to learn about some of Scott’s toy models, and to provide feedback about whether you might find them useful, whether you have your own alternatives, etc. We’d love to see you in person, as that will enliven the discussion and give you a chance to explore this topic with others.

Religious Education:
Religious Education classes have begun. Please click on the Spiritual Growth tab above for more details and how to register for weekly updates.
The nursery is now open and available for ages 0 – 3yrs.