DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church strives to provide the groundwork you and your family need to navigate a purposeful life in these complex times, offering and prompting thoughtful insight and discussion through our Sunday services, our forums, our social action and our lifespan learning programs for children and adults alike.
We aspire to live by core principles, grounded in the humanistic teachings of the world’s religions. We draw on science and reason, nature and philosophy, personal experience, scripture and ancient tradition for guidance, as described in our six sources of knowledge and understanding.
As a community, our members have agreed on our mission and vision, striving to embrace our commonalities, even as we seek different paths to the same ends:
Our mission: We gather as an inclusive community to grow in character, mind and spirit and to transform the world toward fairness, love and compassion.
Our vision: Shared Values | Diverse Beliefs | Beloved Community
In the 20th century and now, Unitarian Universalists have acted on their values, making their mark in humanitarian, social and environmental issues including assisting WWII Nazi war victims’ escapes, marching with Martin Luther King and continuing work today to bring about racial change, supporting LGBT rights and marriage equality, advocating for fairness and decency in immigration reform, organizing to preserve the environment, and fighting for reproductive rights.
We hope that you visit us to engage and connect with us in one or many ways. We’re glad you’re exploring information about DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church.