Candidating Week concluded May 1 with a vote by the congregation to accept mandi huizenga as our settled minister. Welcome, mandi!
Find some of the Candidating Week sessions on our YouTube channel.
Sunday, April 24
10:30 am: mandi will lead the Sunday service
11:30 am – 12:30 pm: Informal meet-and-greet in Kreves Hall
Tuesday, April 26
12 pm – 2 pm: Bring a sack lunch to eat together and chat with mandi. We will eat socially-distanced in the Learning Center with virtual access also available.
Wednesday, April 27
1 pm – 3 pm: Open conversation with mandi in the Sanctuary
7:30 pm – 9 pm: Open conversation with mandi in the Sanctuary
Thursday, April 28
12 pm – 2 pm: Bring a sack lunch to eat together and chat with mandi. We will eat socially-distanced in the Learning Center with virtual access also available.
7 pm – 9 pm: Open conversation with mandi in the Sanctuary
Saturday, April 30
12 pm – 4 pm: Open House for all members and friends; youth and parents are especially invited to attend! This event will be held outdoors if the weather is pleasant or virtually if the weather is not pleasant.
Sunday, May 1
10:30 am: mandi will lead the Sunday service
11:30 am: Special Congregational Business Meeting on calling mandi huizenga as our settled minister.