Capital Campaign 2024
Save the Date to Celebrate!
On behalf of the Capital Campaign Leadership Team, we truly thank you for your ideas and dreams for our future, your gifts to the campaign, and for making your Annual Promise for the 24/25 Fiscal Year.
The Capital Campaign plans to have the celebratory breakfast on Sunday, June 2 starting at 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. preceeding the Sunday Service at 10 a.m. and the Annual Meeting at 11:30 a.m.
A Bouncy House will be available from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. providing children entertainment while families enjoy the meeting.
Thank you, again, for the annual Promise and generous Gifts that we have received. We are headed upward and onward. Together.
Strengthening Our Congregation for Future Generations
For more than 67 years, our congregation has been a symbol of liberal religion, equality, and justice for the community and region. Today, we have a chance to take bold steps to embrace our future for our members, our children, and generations to come.
The Capital Campaign aims to raise more than $1.15 million to eliminate existing debt and address program, staffing, and building needs to achieve the organization’s mission and vision for the future.
With your support, we can achieve our capital campaign goal and redirect $97,000 annually toward church membership engagement and core program development.
What to Expect from a Visit with the Capital Campaign team
Over the course of the next few months, the Campaign Team will send you a letter and brochure, and will follow up with a phone call to arrange a meeting with you to discuss the campaign. Because we would like to speak with each of you, we will reach out in phases—some of you in the next few weeks, some in a month or maybe two.
During the meeting, our team of two captains will share with you how you can give to the campaign, and may even give you an amount to consider that was recommended by the consultant.
Additionally, and related to our volunteer capacity, we will be asking for your annual promise commitment for the upcoming year during this meeting.
Lastly, and importantly, our team members will be asking you about what you would like to see in the future of our church community. This is your opportunity to help church leadership plan and prioritize in the coming years.
Now, even as you feel the excited for our future, and for this campaign, you may feel that you are not in a position to give to the campaign, or to give as much as you would like. That is perfectly OK. Everyone has their own circumstance and capacity. This campaign is not about shaming or guilt. it is about being grateful for our wonderful space, our community, and our faith tradition; and turning this gratitude into being as generous as our hearts and capacities allow. We all contribute in many ways to express our generosity. So, let us Embrace Our Future Together.