Upcoming Services

Listening to the Earth April 21, 2024 9 & 11:30 am DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church rev. mandi huizenga
Coming of Age April 28, 2024 9& 11:30 am Led by DUUC Youth, Advisors, & Steve Cooper DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church rev. mandi huizenga

April 21, 2024

Adult Learning

Science Sunday (Learning Center)
Electrons, Chemistry and Surfactants: A Soap Story
Joanne Reid will talk to us about a slippery topic: soap! A celebration of electrons how they shaped the world, lit the world, and then cleaned up after themselves.

The Prairie of DuPage UU Church (Starts in the Sanctuary)
facilitated by our Prairie Stewards
On this Earth Day weekend, weather permitting, we will walk the church grounds to explore the workings of our tall grass prairie, discover the diversity of native plant species present and how our outdoor areas are used.

Youth Religious Education

Our faith reminds us that listening to nature is healing. Our Seventh Principle encourages us to affirm and promote “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.” When we practice listening to nature, we are taken to a place of calm, knowing that we are not isolated and alone but instead a part of something so interconnected. So what’s one of the ways our faith guides us into becoming a people of deep listening? It tells us to “Listen to Nature!”

Nursery Care will available Sunday morning from 9:45 to 11:00am for infants through 5 yrs.

Our mission: We gather as an inclusive community to grow in character, mind and spirit and to transform the world toward fairness, love and compassion.

Our vision: Shared Values | Diverse Beliefs | Beloved Community

Our Seven Principles

Support our programming, facility, and community outreach